October 03, 2014
My grandmother used to say that the world would be a much happier place if more people would just say “Thank You”. Whether you find yourself on the receiving end of someone’s generosity, have special clients that have been loyal, a babysitter that your children adore, or a referral for new business, your list probably goes on and on.
So, how do YOU say “Thank You”? Sometimes saying “Thank You” can be challenging. Do I write a note? Send a gift? Drop by? If you need a little help or a gentle nudge, here are some guidelines to follow:
Be Timely: Recognize when someone is being super nice or helpful. Sometimes we tend to overlook that which is right in front of our noses! And let's face it, some people are better about this than others. But there is hope for us all.
Be Prepared: Have your stationery, cards, little gifts, or a plan ready to implement. It doesn’t have to be difficult or costly. It’s the thought that counts!
Be Sincere: Have a gracious heart. Smile. Deliver your message with meaning. It’s more than just going through the motions. If you send a gift, make it something fun or enjoyable. If you drop by, you don’t have to stay long. If you write a note, make sure to let them know what you are thanking them for and use their names.
Do It: Showing gratitude can be something you do every day. Make it a habit. You might have to work at it in the beginning, but before you know it, it will be second nature. It’s just good business, professionally and personally. Saying “Thank You” is as easy as chocolate!
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